Our electronics design service includes schematic design, PCB layout (printed circuit board design), modeling, and simulations for devices, sub-assemblies, and power supplies tailored to client requirements.

The offer also includes production organization (Serbia, EU, or China), in-house assembly of SMD/THT printed circuit boards, design and manufacturing of assembly and testing tools for printed circuit boards. Rapid in-house production of trial prototypes of printed circuit boards.

Dizajn stampanih ploca

Schematics design

The process of designing printed circuit boards always begins with schematic design. The schematic can be defined by the client, or we can design it based on input parameters, requirements, or existing samples (reverse engineering of the schematic). The schematic represents a diagram of connections for all components on the printed circuit board, such as integrated circuits and discrete components (resistors, capacitors, inductors).

We use industry-standard software for schematic design, which not only facilitates the design process but also enables validation through simulations.

Dizajn seme

PCB design & layout design

We utilize the most widely used industry-standard software for printed circuit board design to meet your requirements. Additionally, we offer 3D CAD design for additional components of the printed circuit boards, such as heatsinks, adapters, enclosures, spacers, and subassembly layouts.

The input parameters for printed circuit board design include the size and shape of the board, the working environment, enclosure appearance, and the method of mounting the PCB into the device's casing.

PCB design

Rapid prototyping

The rapid in-house production of test PCBs enables quick testing of schematics and prototypes in the early stages, reducing the time spent on repeated fabrication at the factory.

Another advantage is 3D printing, which allows us to rapidly test PCB shapes and layout with component placements to determine the optimal board layout concerning the enclosure or other components within the device before final production.

PCB prototip
3D printed prototype PCB and test PCB

Production organization of printed circuit boards and assembly

Efficient production organization of printed circuit boards in small and large series, in Serbia, Europe, or China. Full SMD + THT or partial PCB assembly. Preparation of GERBER files for production, Pick and Place (PKP/CPL) files for assembly, along with the preparation of Bill of Materials files for component procurement.

PCB asemblaza
PCBs after SMD assembly stage

Tooling and fixture fabrication for PCB assembly and testing

Design and fabrication of tools for assembling specific boards (multi-part boards) or for expediting certain stages of printed circuit board assembly.

Design and fabrication of tools for testing printed circuit boards or sub-assemblies, sensor testing, and verification of assembly operations.

Alat za sklapanje štampanih ploča
Tool for assembling printed circuit boards at an angle
PCB test
Component testing rig

Design and assembly of cables and cable harnesses

Designing cable harnesses and creating documentation for cable harness assemblies. Creating assembly instructions for cable harnesses. Assembling individual cables and cable harnesses, both in small batches and large series. Procurement of cables and connectors.

Sklapanje kablova
Kabl forme
Kabl forme
Kabl forme

Hardware design in compliance with regulations

RoHS direktiva

odnosi se na ograničenje upotrebe opasnih materija u elektronskim proizvodima i na štampanim pločama.

U pitanju je korišćenje četiri teška metala: živa, kadmijum, olovo, šestovalentni hrom i dva produkta koji se dodaju plastici za smanjenje zapaljivosti (PBB i PBDE).

WEEE direktiva

EU direktiva o električnom i elektronskom otpadu koja bliže određuje način prikupljanja i reciklaže.

Svi elektronski uređaji stavljeni na tržište EU moraju imati ovu oznaku sa oznakom proizvođača koji je odgovoran za upravljanje otpadom nakon što proizvod prestane da se koristi.

CE znak

u EU predstavlja jedini dozvoljeni znak o usaglašenosti proizvoda sa zahtevima evropskih direktiva u pogledu bezbednosti proizvoda.

CE znak na proizvodu je izjava proizvođača da je proizvod usaglašen sa bitnim zahtevima (u pogledu zdravlja, bezbednosti, zaštite životne sredine.

fcc znak

je znak SAD o usaglašenosti elektronskih proizvoda koji indikuje da je elektromagnetna radijacija sa proizvoda u dozvoljenim granicama koje propisuje Federalna komisija za komunikacije.

Ovaj znak stavlja se na uređaje koji su proizvedeni u SAD ili se prodaju na tržištu SAD-a.
